Menopausal? Try Acupuncture.

Menopausal? Try Acupuncture.

Menopause is marked by the cessation of a woman’s monthly menstrual bleed. This can begin from age 45-55 with the average age landing at 49-51. This is a natural state of being for a woman and it is not considered to be unusual unless it happens before the age of 45 or it causes such distress that the woman needs medical help to cope with this transition It can last between 4-8years with current reports stating women suffer symptoms for up to...

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One of the little-known gems of Chinese Medicine is that it can help a speedy recovery from traumatic injuries, on both the physical level and recovery from the shock too. Recently, I have been working with a girl who was thrown off her bike in a road accident, resulting in serious surgical repair to her knee. This left her 7 weeks later, still swollen, purple discolouration around the whole knee, swelling, pain and very little range of...

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Why You Should Consider Using Chinese Herbal Medicine To Help Conceive Naturally.

Why You Should Consider Using Chinese Herbal Medicine To Help Conceive Naturally.

Looking for evidence before trying Chinese Herbal Medicine to help with fertility issues? Researchers state that couples with fertility problems are twice as likely to achieve a pregnancy using traditional Chinese medicine compared to western drugs. TCM practitioners like myself examine the menstrual cycle in depth and recognise many dysfunctions that Western Medicine may not deem important. Besides being inexpensive, it is a modality that can...

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Prevention Is Key. Forget About The ‘Fix’..

Prevention Is Key. Forget About The ‘Fix’..

“A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools.” Spanish Proverb The other day I was reminded by my husband about the origins of acupuncture treatment. That is, the Chinese doctor treated everyone in the village regularly while they were well,and that was when they paid him. However, when they became ill, the Dr would treat them for free as their regular acupuncture was supposed to...

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