Acupuncture, TCM & Natural Procreative Technology (NaPro)

Acupuncture, TCM & Natural Procreative Technology (NaPro)

Many clients undergoing acupuncture & TCM for gynecological and fertility matters, have also attended the fertility care clinic in Galway where they use NaPro technology.

Established in Galway, Ireland, since 2004, Natural Procreative Technology, (also called NaProTECHNOLOGY®, NaPro, or NPT) is a new reproductive science that works cooperatively with the natural fertility [menstrual] cycle. It has been developed as a series of medical applications based on a standardized assessment of the biomarkers of the fertility [menstrual] cycle, known as the Creighton Model FertilityCare System. It can be used to evaluate and treat infertility, miscarriage, irregular bleeding, and many other women’s health conditions.

Full western medical investigations can be carried out should they be required.

For full details, please visit their website – or Email: