Essential oils are a form of herbal medicine and like most good herbs they are used at particular times and often at designated times of the year. So now that we are heading into the season of sniffles,sinus infections, congestion, colds a
nd flu, I have decided to write up a simple guide for you and your family to use.

There are always  three oils I  have at home at this time of year. Eucalyptus, Tea Tree and Ravensara. I use them as both a preventative and on a treatment level. ( I use lots of different brands. Just make sure the botanical name is in Latin and then you can be assured it is what they say it is!)

Why these three in particular?

Eucalyptus – A very powerful antiseptic, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, reduces fever plus lets not forget that it is a wonderful decongestant. Also from a TCM point of view it has a natural affinity with the Lung Channel.

Tea Tree – antiviral, antibacterial. My note to all people with school kids is use some tea tree in the kids bath every time. A preventative tip to helping keep them well.

Ravensara- I love this oil! It is actually noted as being 7 times stronger than Tea Tree in its anti viral action!!!

Ravensara is an oil I whip out when there is a really bad infection/virus in the house. I also prefer the smell. But that is a totally personal comment and may not be your thoughts. ( when there is any viral illness like stomach bug, chicken pox etc…I put a few drops in every wash alongside the washing powder! Not something I read or learnt but something I do and besides anything else it gives a fresh clean aroma)

Other oils to consider having around are:

Lavender – antibiotic, stimulates immune system,

Chamomile – anti-inflammatory, antibacterial.

Frankinsence: My favorite oil. One to consider as it has the ability to help the lungs and can act as a cough suppressant. one oil I would consider for older rather than younger people as it is a very deep reaching oil.

Try some of these methods if using essential oils to help fight infections and their symptoms.

Essential Oil Steam Inhalation
A must for sinus infections and congestion. The warmth from the steam is enters through the nasal cavities and helps soothe the nasal membranes while and the moisture and aroma helps to loosen and move mucus within the sinus cavity.

Add 2 drops of essential oil into a carrier like milk into a bowl with boiling water. Cover your head with a towel. Breathe deeply through the nose for cold or sinus infections, or through your mouth to soothe a cough. Continue for approx 10 minutes, lifting your towel if you need to.

Bath/ Massage
For your bath Dilute 5 – 8 drops of essential oil into at least 20mls of a carrier oil such as sweet almond oil or milk again and add to your bath. For massage oil follow the same instructions with any carrier oil of your choice.